Monday, June 16, 2014

Shout out to Dad...Happy Father's Day

Hi Mom

First off shout out to Dad! Happy Father's day :) I've been thinking a lot about him over here and I am really blessed to have had such an amazing example in my life. I feel that largely because of him I am able to understand the importance of values and standards that I am still striving to keep even now. I will never be able to say thanks enough for the example of love he has shown me in the way he loves you Mom. That is priceless to me. All in all, give him a big hug and a thank you from me!

This week has been a crazy one!  I don't know if it's as crazy as hiking Donut Falls but it's pretty close. First topic is cenas (dinners)!  We are eating with the members a bunch!  This next week we have a dinner planned every single day of the week.  This is incredible if you think of the 10 companionships this ward is feeding every single week.  It's been a great blessing.  But I am going to miss cooking for myself, I have really liked doing that. But, it's a good trade :)

We found 11 new investigators this week which was a really great feeling.  I am excited to see the progression of these people.  Lots of teaching in the future...woof!  Ha-ha we'll be needing to do a lot of great planning.  Sadly we had to drop the baptismal dates we had for two of our investigators. They didn't come to church this week and so the 3 required times aren't going to happen for their baptism. It really was a sad day.  We felt so good about Paquito coming to church but he didn't answer when our member went to pick him up…sad day.  But silver lining we had Maria, who we taught only 2 days earlier come to church.  It really makes a difference when investigators understand doctrine and then can receive support in acting on those truths.  Everyone would come to church if they knew it was true.  Wouldn't they?  They'd beg you to be baptized if they truly understood it is the gate to the celestial kingdom, right?  Doctrine drives discipleship.  I hope I keep getting better at teaching simple doctrine.  I love it.

Exchanges have been going really well.  Unfortunately, as it played out I have left my area for the past 4 times which doesn't help with homesickness, because not only am I away from Utah, I am away from my temporary home here in Pacoima.  It's going to take some time to get use to it.

The other day it was 90 degrees with a nice breeze and it felt like heaven.  The heat is not a big deal anymore.  I don't know what I am going to do when I see snow again.  It's going to be weird having to put on a jacket!

Side note…Our investigators need to quit Googleing the gospel.  It's the dumps.  We always know when they do this because they start asking crazy weird questions about polygamy, and exaltation, and temple worship.  They must not understand we represent the church, not Google...woof.

Things are about to get real, real good. Elder Worthington and I are committed to refocusing our zone back to baptizing and working in faith to achieve our goals.  We feel very strongly that missionaries are acting in routine and not in faith.  It's hard to see.  I have learned that when we want to teach investigators we teach Joseph Smith and the restoration.  But when we want to teach missionaries, we teach Jesus Christ and the Atonement. I feel so passionately about that.  No statements or solid direction for the zone comes to mind but the stirrings in my heart are a wonderful start.  It's hard to except that a year ago I was painfully working through the Atonement to repent and be worthy for a mission and now I am charged with teaching others the atonement in empowering and enabling missionaries.  Everyday my faith grows and I honestly can't keep up with it.  The best way I can describe it is I am "growing up too fast".  I feel like mission wise I am growing up to fast.  But it's a wonderful thing, not a bad thing.

One last thought, and I promise when I get home we can have hours of stories and campfire chats, but for now it needs to be filtered ha-ha.  So Santa Clarita had a baptism and after the man was baptized he just stood in the water.  He was holding his hands and just bowed his head.  I started to tear up.  For about a minute no one talked.  Gosh it was just simple and beautiful…a son of god just humbly standing quite in the waters of baptism. It doesn't get better than that.  

Love you Mom! Still can't wait for that hug :)
Best library ever!

Strange Selfies

Love Elder Worthington's expression in the background

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