Monday, June 2, 2014

...That kind of Zone Leader

Hey Mom!

It sounds like everyone is getting ready for summer.  So much fun :)  Sorry I don't have too much time to respond to everything but I am happy you are all well and happy :)  Don't worry about my address.  Just send it to the mission office.  23504 Lyons Ave Ste 107 Santa Clarita CA 91321-2530 Now that I am a Zone Leader we spend more time down there and I really don't trust our's a wee bit sketchy. Ha-ha that's Pacoima for you :)
Coppers keep the streets of Pacoima safe

Things here are going great!  I am learning a lot but still not enough.  It's kind of like I am a new missionary again.  I am having to re-learn how I do things.  I didn't get a lot of time last week to explain Zone Leader stuff to you so I'll take some time now.

Elder Worthington and I hold stewardship for the success, progress and needs of the missionaries in our zone.  That is achieved by being an example in finding, teaching and obedience as well as holding 24 hour exchanges with District Leaders and other missionaries.  Long story short we just need to know what's going on in the zone so we can teach to make it better.
On exchanges
We had two exchanges this week went really well.  One was in my area and the other wasn't.  It's a lot better to exchange in your own area because you can control a lot better the teaching and finding opportunities that there will be.  Plus you know the people and area better.  But either way exchanges are growing on me.  I am younger than every Elder in my Zone so at first I had to deal with being able to teach and learn from people who were older than me but it turned out not being a problem.  The missionaries here at very humble and great at learning and taking correction.  The pressure of being an exactly obedient missionary is a little bit stressful though.  But it will work out if I just keep working.

Our district had a baptism yesterday.  It was great!  During the ordinance there was a earthquake and right when he was baptized it stopped ha-ha pretty fun :)

We have two really solid investigators that we are working with and setting dates for baptism.  It's hard because we don't get a lot of time to work in our area but even still we are finding and teaching a lot!  It's wonderful :)  One is a 9 year old that is just so easily taught by the spirit.  We sat back and watched himself teach and understand the important of the Book of Mormon.  He even said, "Wow the prophets really wanted to protect this book huh?  I really like it.  They really want me to know about Jesus more."  If we can just get out of the way, the spirit will truly teach what the investigator needs.

One thing I am learning more and more as a zone leader is "it's not about me."  Last night we were up until 11:30pm sending in monthly numbers and making calls.  I was dead.  Then we wake up and have to make sure the other Elders can get time to shop for food and have fun preparation days even when we still have things to do.  Everything just gets enhanced as a Zone Leader.  The trials are a lot bigger and more stressful but the growth is priceless.  I already feel like a more powerful and Christ like tool.  I just have to put others before myself.  I'll get use to it.  And I have Elder Worthington by my side.  He is wonderful.  We get along great and he really is such a help to me.  I love him a lot!
Elder Worthington completely worn-out
Thank for everything Mom!  I have to go now and get everything ready for the zone activity!  We are going ice blocking ;)  Yeah, we're those kind of Zone Leaders. Love you!

Elder Bagley
The nicest library, we can check out laptops...

We got 22 extra bucks on our cards.  SO sweet :)  Eating like kings!


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