Monday, June 9, 2014

One Crazy week...MLC and ZTM

Hey Mom!

Congratulations to Alexis on graduating! Those citizen grades can really sneak up on ya... :) but I am proud she made it.
This week has been a crazy one. We had MLC (mission leadership counsel) this week as well as ZTM (zone training meeting). During MLC president trains all the zone leaders and sister training leaders in the mission. It was so great to learn so intimately from president. In MLC his true self comes out more clearly and the revelation is wonderful! After MLC we went home and planned for ZTM which is a 3 hour training that Elder Worthington and I give with the Sister Training Leaders. It went really well. I like being able to teach other missionaries. It's just a little crazy to think that 10 months ago I wasn't a missionary and now I am teaching others how to be missionaries. That sounds crazy but when you add Christ's sustaining influences into the mix it starts to make a lot more sense. Heads up on this email though, I got stuck with the keyboard with a broken backspace and it is driving me nuts. Hopefully I can keep it together here.

So because of MLC and ZTM we haven't had a ton of time to work in our area. It's been on and off for a while but we now have a lot more time to get back into the actual missionary part of missionary work. Its hard being the leader of the zone and having the lowest conversion numbers out of everyone. This week it's going to be so nice getting back into the groove I miss.

I had a really great exchange with the Santa Clarita Zone Leader this week. He is from Draper and actually lives like 10 minutes away from Discount Tire. Cool story huh? Anyways I am learning a lot on exchanges. They are really starting to grow on me.

Selfies on exchange

We are eating close to 3 meals a week with the members which are more than I have ever eaten in my mission! It's a real blessing. Latina women can be really touchy when it comes to food but for the most part it’s been a smooth operation. Obispo has called ward food coordinators to help things continue on.

Our last week Zone activity went great. It was hard to plan but everyone seemed to have a fun time! It kind of reminded me about being back in student government.
Ice blocking for Zone activity

It's been hard keeping in contact with some of our investigators this week. Some of the people who have dates to be baptized aren't quite progressing fast enough to keep their dates. But we are doing all we can to give them every opportunity we can. It's hard but its how agency goes. One small miracle though, we found this woman on the street and ended up teaching her whole family on the first visit about the atonement of Christ. It was such a blessing to be the voice that could testify to them of the power and truthfulness of the atonement. I haven't cried a lot on my mission but during that moment I really felt the spirit sanctify my words. It was beautiful.

I am still adjusting to the new Zone Leader stress. Part of this all makes me want to jump back to some of my old stress relief methods…long-boarding, drawing, music. Homesickness is creeping around. But all and all I am doing well at keeping it at bay. Love you Mother. Thanks for the constant love and support.

Elder Bagley

1 comment:

  1. It is plain to see the Mitchell teaches with all his heart. What a wonderful experience he is having. It is easy to see that he came from a home filled with love for Jesus Christ.
    Keeping all of you in my prayers and thoughts,
    Love and Hugs, Auntie Linda
